Thursday, 25 July 2013

Trolls and other creatures

So, today I've discovered that we live on Troll Street...apparently that's the local translation for Jøtulveien ('veien' meaning street). Haven't spotted any so far but I guess they could be of the internet variety...

What I have spotted is a large furry black cat in my living room...NOT Mulder! An imposter, making himself/herself quite at home. Took off like the proverbial 'scalded' when I appeared through from the study, finally caught up with it in the garden. We may have found a replacement for Chloe, our neighbour's cat in Banchory-Devenick who decided to adopt us as a second home. For that, read somewhere to go when it was raining and she couldn't get into her own house! For reasons best known to themselves, her and Mulder were joined at the hip and it's fair to say he's missing her big style. :-(

It's been a roasting hot week of weather...27 deg at its peak and very humid. For some reason, I didn't expect to the sea, this far north...really? Cue lots of light gardening activities punctuated with cycle rides along the fjord. I fear Mr R may have missed the best week of the summer. He's home tomorrow night so we're heading into Stavanger on Saturday morning to pay a visit to the annual food festival - Gladmat. It's apparently a 4-day extravaganza of all things foodie, the biggest in Scandinavia by all accounts. That'll be the kitchen closed then!

Meanwhile I'm resisting all attempts to drag me back into the land of the gainfully employed. The agency I work through seem hell bent on bombarding me with job offers for Project Controls people, despite the fact that these particular skills are nowhere to be seen on my CV.

In the pic below, Mike's the one on the left and we're not sure who the guy on the right (with the staff) is. Suffice to say he looked like he meant business.

The only other big news is that I'm planning a trip to Ikea tomorrow.....if (and it's a big 'if') I'm brave enough to get in the car and go for it. Not the most confident drivers at the best of times so by this time tomorrow, I could well be locked up. Stay tuned...


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