Friday, 19 July 2013


How come the 'Friday feeling' never leaves you, no matter where you are or what you're doing? A legacy of 30+ years of working I reckon! I can't claim to have contributed much to society in general this week but the house is looking a lot more like home. Does that count? Clutching at straws, I know.

The resident mog has finally found his feet and seems to be putting himself about the neighbourhood. Spent all day outside Mon/Tues/Wed, only reappearing at teatime, but then took to his bed all day yesterday - clearly overdid it. He's failed to grasp the Norwegian way of doing things (offshore at least) i.e. 3 days on and 1 off? Should that not be 2 on and 4 off?? Anyway, on the sleeping front, he's out from under the bed as you can see...not sure if that's progress or not!

Apparently we're set for a lovely weekend of weather - 20+ deg - time to break out the bikes and go for a cycle around the fjord. Gary and Anne's wedding is bearing down on us alarmingly quickly, so a few pounds off wouldn't be a bad idea lest I end up shoe-horned into my dress....breathe IN!!

Mr R's had a trip up to Haugesund this week to witness the sailaway of the Gudrun platform. He's back in Aberdeen all of next week for (wait for it) a course on Norwegian safety Westhill! You couldn't make this stuff up. So I guess it's party time for me and Mulder in Jøtulveien. We've spotted what we think is one of those Norwegian Forest Cats next's blooming enormous! Probably more fur than anything else but nevertheless. If I were Mulder, I'd be keeping in with it. Might ask it round...

Been very brave on the driving front...made it up to the nearest shopping centre at a place called Madla. It was worth the angst though because, as luck would have it, they have a "Vinmonopolet" there. For the uninitiated, that's where people like me go to buy their wine (you can't get it in the supermarkets here), they also have a Coop...same as at home but without the hyphen! Takes me ages to do the shopping, by the time I figure out what everything is. Bought some "fiske kaker" for tea the other night...not one of my better purchases...let's just say the second word best described it (yikes).

Can't believe how long it stays light here at night, must be on a par with Orkney. You could easily be out and about doing stuff at 10.30pm.....if you weren't parked on the sofa watching old American movies that is!

Ha en god helg!

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