Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Snarky Puppy

Slightly after the event but that's the name of a jazz funk band we went to see during the annual Mai Jazz festival in Stavanger. The city was positively teaming with world class musicians and a great time was had by all. The venue was a place called Folken which is run by the Student Society and, unfortunately for those of us of a certain age, was 'standing only'. Do I sound old? I certainly felt it by the time the gig finished! Anyway, if you like jazz and get the chance to see Snarky Puppy, definitely go. They're from Brooklyn, New York and are absolutely excellent. Bit like Earth, Wind & Fire in that there seems to be about twenty of them on the stage at any one time!

The other notable event in May was Norway's National Day on 17th, which was extra special this year on account of it being the 200th anniversary of the country's independence. The flags were up everywhere and people wore their national dress or 'bunad' with obvious pride. Lots of parades through the town including several 'floats' depicting different periods in history, as well as some local clubs like the Oil City Rollers…no tartan breeks in sight and who knew I was a skater girl??!!

As I type, we've had weeks (and weeks) of beautiful spring weather with only the odd thunderplump thrown in. Temperatures anything up to 20 odd degrees and a nice antidote to the longest winter in history. Stands have appeared by the sides of the roads, selling strawberries, raspberries and cherries (jordbær, bringebær og moreller)…tempting and delicious.

That's not the only thing that's going on by the side of the road mind you…on my way home from a Norwegian lesson at GDF's office yesterday morning, rounded a corner to find a member of the POLITI directing me into a layby whereupon I was breathalysed!! A first for me and it fairly focuses the attention I can tell you. They can stop you at random without any cause whatsoever i.e. to check your licence, insurance, tyres, lights and obviously the presence of alcohol in your system. Can't say I have any problem with any of it, especially if the officer in question is as good-looking as yesterday's one. That said, I was mightily relieved to hear the words "just drive on"…!! Even if you know if you haven't done anything wrong, it's still a sobering experience (pardon the pun).

Word of the day and this one will appeal to those from Orkney…'brukket' (brew-ket) meaning broken or fractured in relation to an arm or leg for example. We have a similar thing where we say someone has 'brukk'ed' themselves. Another one stolen from the Vikings!

Last weekend saw the Tour des Fjords cycle race hit Stavanger and a very exciting finish it was too, with a local chap winning the stage with a last-gasp push. We were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them as they passed by Sola Strand beach.

Stay tuned for the next post on the subject of our first Orcadian visitor…veldig spennende!

Ha det!

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