Thursday, 19 December 2013

God Jul og Godt Nyttår!

Well it's definitely the festive season in Stavanger. How do I know this? One…because the Coca-Cola truck is in town and two...there are boatloads of Christmas trees in the harbour!

Other signs include multiple Lutefisk/Aquavit dinners for Mr Robertson who is pledging to go on a pre-Christmas diet as we speak. He hasn't got a chance…we're off to Orknøyene and Mother is already planning a mince/clapshot feast for our arrival. Add to that a 20lb turkey on Christmas Day at Largo and I think we all know how it's going to end up! Oh and not forgetting the world-famous 'Christmas Ciabatta' at Trenabies in Kirkwall…I literally cannot wait. And there's more…a weekend in Aberdeen at Chez Cheshire, catching up with friends and family, before we fly up to Kirkwall on 23rd. Which reminds me, can someone please have a word with whoever is in charge of the weather up there and make sure the forecast winds go down a bit? Please??!! One of us isn't a good traveller…

Before we go any further, I notice that a couple of logos/pics I had put in the previous post have disappeared. The first one was a rather menacing logo for the 'Politi'…I think they may be on to me. The other one was a much less menacing picture of 'Julenisse'…I sincerely hope he's not on to me or I'm in big trouble! I'm taking my stocking to Orkney with me just in case...

Final word of the year and a very appropriate one…'hytte' (hewt-ter) meaning cabin/hut/chalet/lodge/cottage. This is where a lot of Norwegians go to spend the festive period with their families, most probably up in the mountains although some also have a hytte by the sea. The hytte is an integral part of Norwegian life, with most people electing to spend the summer and/or winter holidays there. It literally is a home from home.

But the Norwegians aren't the only ones who have hyttes…oh no…the Mulder cat has one too and this is where he will be spending Christmas this year. More commonly known as Randaberg Dyrpensjonat (the cattery to you and me!). We've tried to explain to him how lucky he is to have a hytte, especially one such as Randaberg which has an individual inside and outside space for each 'katt'.  They take such good of care of them, leave the radio on for company…ok so it's Radio Norge but still. Sadly he's not too impressed?! This will be the scene tomorrow morning…

While the weather isn't exactly festive as I write, we had the most amazing fall of snow a couple of weekends ago…woke up to a load of powder on Saturday morning. The landscape was transformed into a wonderland. Fifi le Fiat was almost out of sight!

And with that festive scene, all that remains is wish everyone a very (very) Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014.

God Jul og Godt Nyttår!

p.s. For those following the lessons, note the different spellings of 'good'…in the same sentence…ARGH!!

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