Thursday, 8 August 2013

Wanted - cat whisperer

This past week, the resident mog has been the subject of bullying by the local branch of the Noggie Moggie Mafia or the NMM as I've nicknamed them. So much so that he can barely be persuaded to put a paw over the door jamb. I think this may be the culprit but can't be sure...this is the big furry one we saw when we first arrived and which has now clearly been clipped! Not bonny...maybe that's why it's so aggressive?! Suggestions on a postcard...

The tourist season is still in full swing in Stavanger as was evidenced by the buzz in the town this morning. Two cruise ships alongside - big and bigger. This also means that the local market is out in full force, selling everything from troll ornaments to furry boots. Oh and an impressive range of all things knitted...should I be worried?? I still feel like a tourist myself although I'm doing my best to blend in with the locals and look like I know where I'm going. Norwegian lessons are being organised as we this space and prepare to be impressed by my feeble attempts at the lingo!

The cinnamon bun research continues despite the fact it's in direct conflict with my declaration in a previous post about trying to lose some weight before the end of August wedding. So far, the Ikea one has been ruled out of the running (below) and unsurprisingly the one with the dollop of custard in it is out in front (bottom pic). The search goes on.

Probably the most exciting news from this week is that a car has been purchased (for yours truly) and will be picked up as soon as we can persuade the British banking system to transfer some money out of the country. You would not believe (or maybe you would) how difficult it is to prove to people in certain money-oriented organisations that you are who you say you are. The same people who caused the so-called banking "crisis" I suspect. It should hopefully all be concluded in a few clues except to say it's not a Ferrari (duh!). Pics to follow...

We're off out tonight to a "social night" at a place called Cardinal in town...thanks to Lou for recommending it. It's the place to network and meet new friends, organised (I think) by the Chamber of Commerce. It's also the place with the largest selection of beer in Norway, boasting 500 different types. I don't drink beer but I'll certainly be keeping my eyes peeled for some of that Skull Splitter ale from they'll have it, given that it's named after the 7th Viking Earl of Orkney - Thorfinn Einarsson.

And on that bombshell...Skål!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about Skull Splitter ale, but we have Raven, Mega sell it in Hinna!
